Fixed Rate Loan

    Borrow and Supply at Your Preferred Fixed Interest Rate

    Flexible Rate Loan 
    Crypto Loans

    Borrow at the interest rate you choose
    Earn the interest you want, or even more
    Enjoy fixed terms for both borrowing and supplying
    Multi-asset collateral supported

    Total Supplied

    $ 0.00

    Total Borrowed

    $ 0.00



    My Dashboard

    $ 0.00

    $ 0.00

    $ 0.00

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    Total Supplied

    $ --

    Total Borrowed

    $ --



    I Want to Borrow
    No data available. You can place an order from the right panel.
    I Want to Supply
    No data available. You can place an order from the right panel.
    Supply Amount

    What is your expected interest rate?


    Latest market interest rate: --%



    How Does Fixed Rate Loan Work?

    As a Borrower
    As a Supplier
    Order Placement

    Order Placement

    Place a borrow order or select an existing order from the Borrow Market.

    Collateral Selection

    Collateral Selection

    Select supported collateral asset(s) from the available assets in your Funding Account. The Loan-to-Value (LTV) must be lower than the Initial LTV.

    Order Confirmation

    Order Confirmation

    Confirm the order details, including the interest, duration, and Margin Call LTV. Once the order is placed, your collateral will be transferred from your Funding Account to Bybit's custody until the loan is fully repaid.

    Order Matching

    Order Matching

    Once the order is matched, the borrowed assets, minus the estimated interest, will be credited to your Funding Account. Please monitor the LTV closely to avoid liquidation.



    Repay the loan on or before the expiry date to avoid penalties. If the loan is not fully repaid by the expiry date, a penalty of three times the interest will accrue every hour for the first 24 hours. After that, the collateral will be liquidated to repay the loan.

    Frequently Asked Questions

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